Team for Project Mirage !


Heyo Harukor ! πŸ’™

It's MissMashmallow and I am the one who will write differents articles following the evolution of Project Mirage, our game ! πŸ–‰

I will, for my first article, present you the different members for the Project Mirage game. 😎


Multimoon : Game developer / AKA The Big Boss

He had the idea to all of that ! 🧠 He gives the responsabilities to all our members, he manages and create the game ( thank u Multi, you're awesomeπŸ”₯) 


 Xelark or Xel : Tester / AKA The Player One 


He will tests differents version of the game for us to know how to improve it in the best possible way. πŸ₯‡


Caladann : Music designer / AKA The artist 

 He is the new comer in our team ! He is going to create all our music for the game 🎧

MissMashmallow : Director in Marketing / AKA Me!


So, that's me ! As I've said, I will write articles to keep you informed πŸ‘€



And that's all ! A super team that wants your hapiness above all ! πŸ’™

Hope you'll enjoy our game and continue to follow our news !πŸ‘
